Translation, English to Japanese

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Teenage Kicks Pete McKee: Sheffield, Real McKee, 2010

John, Paul, George, Ringo And Me Tony Barrow: Tokyo, Kawadeshobo Shinsha, 2007 / London, Andre Deutsch, 2005

Commentaries of custodians at 20 Forthlin Road and Mendips (translation and recording), Liverpool, National Trust, 2006

No Woman No Cry Rita Marley: Tokyo, Kawadeshobo Shinsha, 2005 / US and Canada, Hyperion Books, 2004

Promotional literature for S-KD Educational Consultants Ltd, London, 2003

Paul Simon interview for “Simon & Garfunkel”: Tokyo, Kawadeshobo Shinsha, 2003 / Original interview by Chris Ingham, published in “Mojo” UK , 2003

Translation, Japanese to English

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Legal translation project for Consilio / FADV 2012-

Exhibition panels for John Lennon Museum: Saitama, Japan, 2004 / 2008 / 2010

Shiatsu for Hairdressers Textbook Shinobu Sekiya: London, Goldwell Academy, 2000 / 2007

Hypnogogia (theatre production) Daisuke Fujisawa: London, Garyu Producion, 2005

Somewhere In The Beatles Kozo Fukuoka: Tokyo, Pie Books, 2004

Interpretation (Consecutive / Simultaneous)

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JPHMA Homoeopathy International Conference 2010 / 2011 / 2013

Metropolitan Railways Assembly 2013

Lectures, examinations and events, Japan Royal Academy of Homoepathy, London

Lectures by Simon Osborne, Liverpool Property Manager, National Trust for John Lennon Museum and the Association of National Trusts in Japan

Tokujin Yoshioka Press Conference for Swarovski, London

Research on the IT use in British state schools for Kanazawa University

Presentation for the John Lennon and Liverpool Exhibition at John Lennon Museum at Merseyside Partnership

Shiatsu for Hairdressers (lecture) at Goldwell Academy, London

School interviews, parents-school meetings through guardian agencies

Writing Contribution for Magazines

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Worksight (Workspace / style): Tokyo, Kokuyo Co.Ltd. 2010 -


Max (Culture / Lifestyle): Bulgaria, QM Media, 2010

Otona No Rock (Music): Tokyo, Nikkei Charactors, 2005- Present

BEA-Mail (Music / Lifestyle): Tokyo, From Bea, 2000- Present

British Modern Taste (Fashion / Lifestyle): Tokyo, Mainichi Shimbun, 1999

AB-Road (Travel): Tokyo, Recruit, 1997

UK Weekly (Lifestyle / Travel): London, 1994-95

Writing Contribution for Books

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The Beatles Ranking in Japan: Shinko Music Entertainment Co. Ltd. 2013

John Lennon His Life and Music, Kawade Yume Mook Series: Kawadeshobo Shinsha, 2010

Ringo Starr, Kawade Yume Mook Series: Kawadeshobo Shinsha, 2003

The Counterattack Of The Beatles, Kawade Yume Mook,Series: Tokyo, Kawadeshobo Shinsha, 2001

George Harrison, Kawade Yume Mook,Series: Tokyo, Kawadeshobo Shinsha, 2001

Paul McCartney, Kawade Yume Mook Series: Tokyo, Kawadeshobo Shinsha, 2001/2011

John Lennon, Kawade Yume Mook Series: Tokyo, Kawadeshobo Shinsha, 2000

Jiyu Ryoko (guidebook): Tokyo, Recruit, 1997-98

Other Media Projects

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Car Navi Radio, Hokkaido, HBC, 2009-

Working Class Hero - A Portrait Of John Lennon (art installation by Candice Breitz): BALTIC Centre, Gateshead, 2006 / White Cube, London, 2007

Regular spot in the Night Jam on FM North Wave: Hokkaido, Japan, 2001-2003

Media Coordination and Contribution

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Worksight (Workspace / style): Tokyo, Kokuyo Co.Ltd. 2010 -

Once There Was A Way Kozo Fukuoka: Tokyo, R’s Shuppan 2011

Journey To The Beatles Lily Franky and Kozo Fukuoka: Tokyo, Shinchosha 2008

Skyward - JAL Group Inflight Magazine: Tokyo, JAL Brand Communication
  April 2008 "Dr Dolittle's England"
  Dec 2007 "Whisky Island - Isle of Islay"
  Sept 2007 "Lily Franky Goes To London Pubs"

Tabi, "Lily Franky Goes To England" : Tokyo, Shinchosha
  Issues Nov 2007, Dec 2007 and Feb 2008

Into Alice's Wonderland : Tokyo, Kawadeshoboshinsha 2002

Lovely Antiques: Tokyo, Kadokawashoten 2000

The Beatles' London: Tokyo, Kobunsha, 1995